
Serve the City Köln

Sep 14, 2024 , 10:00 - 12:00
Schönhauser Straße 5A, 50968 Köln, Germany
Brandon Brazee

Wir treffen uns als Serve the City an der Halltestelle Schönhauser Straße und saubern das Rheinufer in beide Richtungen.  Mach Mal mit!

We will meet as Serve the City at the Schönhauser Straße tram stop and then we will work in both directions, cleaning the bank of the Rhine.  Join us!

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Sep 14, 2024, 10:00 - 12:00
Schönhauser Straße 5A, 50968 Köln, Germany
Brandon Brazee
Public cleanup

River Cleanup in action

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